Sunday, April 19, 2009

I have experienced more struggles in my fourteen years then most people do in their entire lifetime. But I have also experienced more blessings in my fourteen years then most people do in their entire lifetime. I don’t know the purpose of life, I don’t know what I am suppose to accomplish. What people will stand up and say at my funeral. What I am suppose to say when I stand before God to be judged. But I think we are here to make memories. Stories to tell of the good and bad times. Experiences to help us grow. I want to shed more happy tears then sad ones. I want to stand up more times than I fall down. I hope at my funeral there will be happy memories to share. But also sad ones. For a funeral is to celebrate life. Even the rough times. I hope when I stand before God to be judged he will shed tears as I share the memories I made on Earth. The good and the bad. For without both, the other would not exist. I don’t know what will happen to me. I often feel like giving up, but for now it is these memories that keep me going. These memories I want to add to. That is what I want this blog to be. Memories. Good and bad. I don’t know if I will end up in heaven or hell. But as long as I can take my memories with me I will be happy.

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